Vision and mission
Vision of the cultural institution
The vision of the Museums of Hrvatsko Zagorje is a democratic society in which museums will continuously contribute to mutual understanding and development through the responsible use of natural and cultural heritage. The responsibility of museums in contemporary society extends to the wider community, national and international environment, especially in solving global issues and problems that become locally relevant as well.
Mission of the Museum of Hrvatsko Zagorje
The mission of the Museums of Hrvatsko Zagorje is the development of all segments of museum activity for the benefit of society and the environment in which it operates. Relying on ICOM's definition of museums, by caring for the cultural and natural heritage of Hrvatsko Zagorje, Museums ensure the exchange of information and the flow of knowledge necessary for the understanding of man and society. The complex structure of the Museum enables the mutual exchange of experience, skills, knowledge and ideas, and through this learning through community, regional, national and international sustainable development is encouraged. By highlighting key values and strategic goals, in accordance with the character of their collections, Museums achieve their general vision and mission by implementing their annual and multi-year work plans.